VP Donations/Membership
The Vice President of Donations/Membership is responsible for creating and implementing a membership plan and fundraising plan. Promote donations and membership throughout the year, collecting dues, and distributing membership cards.
The VP Membership shall:
Announce the membership and fundraising plan.
Create and organize fundraising efforts for the school year.
Create a donation/membership kick-off plan which could include an invitation to join letter, outlining the accomplishment and benefits of PTA. Letters, with donation/membership envelopes, can be sent home with students. Translate invitations as needed. The donation/membership kick-off plan could also include a special kick-off event.
Distribute special invitations for all teachers and staff encouraging donations and membership.
Promote PTA membership and donations through social media sites, email invitations, texts, etc.
Regularly promote donations and membership in your PTA or school newsletter and website.
Set up a PTA donation and membership table at school and community events.
Create a welcome packet for new families who come to your school during the year. Include an invitation to join and donate along with a calendar of PTA events.
Report fundraising and membership progress at all PTA meetings.